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Hi!, I'm Oscar Aragón

Software Developer from El Salvador

Skills & Technologies

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Automating processes with Python and its different libraries

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I work on backend web development using Django and have also completed small Rest API projects using FastAPI.

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I've worked on university projects using Java and have some knowledge of the Spring Framework.

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Web Development

I specialize in web development using technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and I built this site using the Astro Framework.

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I manage version control systems using GIT, Github, and Gitlab.

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I have experience with databases such as PostgreSQL and MySQL.

My Projects

Library WebApp

I developed a library web system for managing users, books, authors, publishers, and loans using Python and the Django Framework.

➔ Code on Github

To-do list

I created a to-do list project using Python and the Flask Framework.

➔ Code on Github


I implemented a CRUD application using Python with FastAPI, which also utilizes the SQLAlchemy library for database interaction.

➔ Code on Github

About me

I'm primarily a backend-focused software developer with expertise in Python, but I also have some experience in frontend development. I'm currently pursuing a degree in computer science engineering and expanding my proficiency in the JavaScript language.